Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debate: Bush is certain---certainly wrong!

Geez, did Bush seem flustered or what tonight? It is not like any shocking or out of the blue questions were asked tonight. Did anyone notice how many times Bush refused to answer the question that was asked of him? I think for the next debate a buzzer should go off anytime that a candidate doesn't answer the question that was asked of him.

I can add another reason to my list of reasons to vote for John Kerry, the man is calm and unflappable---certainly better characteristics in a war-time President. Calm, cool, and collected. I can't wait too see some of the election polls in the next week. I think there will be a major bounce---because I think the independents are going to quickly realize that they don't have to be nervous about having Kerry as our President.

I was glad to see that Kerry has started to make an issue out of Bush's "certainty". Certainty is only a good thing if you are going in the right direction, if you are going in the wrong direction its either stubborness or stupidity. Let's all keep making an issue out of his misguided "certainty".

As an aside, I was checking my spelling of the word "certainty" on dictionary.com, and found this very ironic quote used as one of the examples.

  1. The fact, quality, or state of being certain: the certainty of death.
  2. Something that is clearly established or assured: “On the field of battle there are no certainties” (Tom Clancy).

There are no certainties, that is something for President Bush to think about tonight as he tries to sleep.


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