Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

"The Motorcycle Diaries" and Big Trips

I went and saw "The Motorcycle Diaries" with my wife tonight. It is a wonderful story filled with gorgeous scenery. Don't go into the movie with preconceived notions about Che Guevera and his politics. This is the story of two 20-somethings and their road trip through 1950's South America. This movie reminded me everything that I love about travel....the adventure of it and its ability to transform us in unexpected ways.

In 1990, I road Amtrak around the eastern United States for several weeks. In 1995, I spent 3 months backpacking around Europe. In 2000, I spent three months living in Guatemala and Honduras. I had vowed that every 5 years I would make another one of these "BIG" trips. Well it is now officially 2005, and its looking like I am about to break my vow to myself. Why am I telling you that, because it was a thought that was running through my head as I watched this movie.

Why do I think I won't be traveling this year?
  1. Hopefully I will be starting a new job within the next month, so that will mean I can't run away for three months.
  2. There is always the financial aspect--I can't say that I am rolling in extra cash at the moment. Not to mention the way that the dollar's value has tanked under Bush's presidency.
  3. I got married last year, so taking off for 3 months involves someone else's life now also.
  4. I'm not sure where to go. I know that is a lame excuse, but if you are going away for three months you really need to pick the right place for the right reasons. Asia and the Middle East are definitely off the list of possible destinations thanks to Mother Nature and Bush.

Maybe this just means that my 2010 trip will have to be a spectacular year-long trip around the world. Or maybe I will somehow have to squeeze out a little trip for 2005 and call it a big trip.


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