Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

My other blogs

I am currently juggling a total of three blogs.
  1. Discontented Turtle, the one you happen to be reading right now. This is my catch-all blog. If it doesn't fit neatly into one of the other blogs it ends up here. For the last month or so it has ended up being mainly a political blog. That was never my intent, and as soon as I get the bad taste of the 2004 election out of my mouth I hope to begin blogging about a wider range of topics.
  2. Books for Kids. My Books for Kids blog is my review of children literature. I started it last summer when I was working for the local library as a summer reading program assistant. As you may know from my other blog, I am also a substitute teacher, so I read a lot of children's books in that capacity also. And truthfully, I just like reading children's books. So these are my reviews of children's (and young adult) books. My favorite authors for children currently include: Doreen Cronin, Avi, Mo Willems, Rachel Vail, Janet Tashjian.
  3. Where's Our Real Teacher? This is my online journal about my life as a big city substitute teacher. Its the view from the trenches. Often politically incorrect, but hopefully always honest. For the most part its me bitching about a job that I hate one day and that I love the next.
Will I be doing any other blogs in the near future? Possibly. I have been playing around with a photo blogging, so I might try doing something more with that in the near future. I am pondering the idea of starting a group blog with multiple writers from far flung places, but I need to think some more about it so that it has the proper focus. Any other blogs that I may or may not start would probably relate to upcoming changes in my life (going back to school, my life as a house husband, new jobs, who knows?).

Basically, I just wanted to give some publicity to my other blogs. I hope you check them out.


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