Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Time to Simplify

If more people would actually do something about simplifying their lives, instead of just talking about it think about what a better country this would be?

This is what my wife and I have done to simplify our lives in the past year:
1. We share a single car and make lots of use of the bus. Yes, the bus can be a pain, but its still better than an extra car payment, extra car maintenance, and extra car insurance.
2. Eating at home more instead of eating out. The majority of the cooking duties have landed in my lap and I've discovered that I actually like to cook. Tonight's dinner was Pepperoni Pizza Chili (I added a small can of mushrooms to the recipe)---yumm!
3. Visit the library instead of the bookstore, video store, and record store.
4. Learned to rely on the income from one job so that we have more free time.
5. Waiting to see movies at the dollar theatre instead of paying $8.50 per person.


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