Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ok, which one of you 18 people is it???

BBC NEWS | Health | Cancer hope over breast gene find: "One in 18 people has an extra nipple, which can look like freckles or moles."

I really want to know who is holding back....actually odds are there are more than one of you that I know that have the extra nipple. Come on let me know. I don't have to see it, but you should at least have the courtesy to tell me that you have the triple nipple!

Here is another fun list from the BBC of things that were not known one year ago.


At 09 March, 2006 22:58, Blogger turtle said...

I had a woman come into the library asking for books about Third Nipples....so I think I might have found one of those nipple people. It was certainly hard keeping a straight face.


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