Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Sunday, June 06, 2004


I did say that my blog would contain my commentary on current events.....so I guess I do have to say something of Reagan.

I'm not a big fan of Reagan....actually its more that I am not a fan of the mythic-status that Reagan has been granted by Republicans. I lived in Washington DC for several years and I found it quite annoying when they changed the name of National Airport to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Republicans always talk about reducing taxes and not wasting tax dollars, but the renaming of the airport was a complete waste of money. The airport had a perfectly good name....but now every sign in the airport had to be changed, road signs changed, Metro maps changed, and so on and so on. Plus it always struck me as very ironic that they were going to rename an airport after a man who broke up the air traffic controllers' union (God forbid that the people in charge of air safety might want a decent wage).

Well get prepared, I bet the Republicans are going to go on a Ronald Regan name changing binge now that he has died. I know I know the Democrats did it when Kennedy died...but at least they waited till he died.

Sorry to speak ill of the dead, but it was the thought that was running through my mind this morning.


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