Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Contented Turtle? Never! (1st Draft)

So my friend the Red Roach asked if my days as a Discontented Turtle were over given my new employment status. Not a chance!

Do I think my new job is cool? Yes, I get to work with books, I get to play on computers most of the day, I get to help people (and helping in a more satisfying way than saying "would you like fries with that?"), and I get to work with like-minded people whose first concern is not chasing the almighty dollar.

With all that said, why do I think I will remain discontented (though ideally maybe a slight bit less discontented)? Because it is still a job. There is no way that you can have a job and not lose freedom and control over your life when you have a job. You can skip having the job to regain some control and freedom, but unfortunately in our capitalist society the lack of money can affects one control over life and their freedom as well.

What about the rest of life beyond work? That is probably the biggest source of discontentment these days. My pessimism about the state of the world and our country is at an all time high. I know I will not have my big five year trip this year (that is part of the freedom that I gave up with this job, but the trip would have been given up anyway because of a lack of money due to the poor pay of my previous job and being burdened by stupid credit cards).

Basically I can always find a reason to be discontented, work is just not the biggest source of discontentment these days.

I hear what you are saying about how job searching is a soul killing process. Sometimes the discontentment from the current job outweighs the possible discontentment of the search, and that is when you must make your move. Other times the discontentment from both sources is in perfect balance and it freezes you in place----talk about feeling maximum discontentment! All I can say is hang in there Red Roach!


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