Proof that not everyone is smart enough to boil water.

All I wanted was a nice bowl of oatmeal. Instead I almost start the house on fire. The tea pot actually welded itself to the burner. What have I learned from this:
1. I shouldn't cook without adult supervision.
2. Oatmeal is not a simple and healthy meal.
3. Blogging and cooking don't mix.
4. Always check to make sure you have put the whistler in the teapot.
5. Water takes less than an hour to boil.
6. My wife is going to kick my ass.
7. I'm still hungry.
8. I wonder if my wife still wants me to cook supper tonight.
The irony of this is that Turtle is actually the designated chef of our family. Frightening, I know. There will be no "ass kicking" tonight, but he is soooooo going to buy me another tea pot. Did I mention that the bloody thing has (had) a WHISTLE on it???????????
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