Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Why do I get this feeling that Jenna Bush is dumb as a brick?

Jenna Bush has been unable to get work as a teacher in Washington, DC (a city with very lax standards and always a shortage of teachers). I worked as a teacher in the DC area a few years ago (Post No Child Left Behind), I was able to get a full time teaching job without an education degree because they were so desperate. As long as you had a somewhat decent GPA (I think the requirement was a 2.75 or 3.0) and could pass the PRAXIS, a standardized test on reading, writing, and math skills you could get a provisional teaching license. So what qualification has Jenna not met? The PRAXIS is not a complicated test.....a reasonably intelligent high school freshman should be able to pass the test. Hmmmmmmm, what's going on Jenna?


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