Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Request for Advice

I've notice that I am being overwhelmed with news, information, and entertainment these days. I can't get through everything and still take care of my real responsibilities in life. I currently use Bloglines to get through my RSS feeds, and I am subscribed to over 130 different feeds. It is too much! So this is my question----what do you think is essential online reading each and every day?

This is what I would like-
1. The best news feed (overall)
2. The best national (U.S.) news feed
3. The best international news feed
4. Liberal news and political commentary
5. Conservative news and political commentary (I want to stay balanced, or at least know what they are thinking)
6. Internet and technology news and commentary
7. A decent MP3 blog (for a 36 year old male who wishes he was still 23 and not a total dweeb)
8. And a mix of other interesting and funny blogs covering travel, books, food, writing, and life


At 01 February, 2005 21:26, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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