Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Am I Old? Probably.

So I've spent the last couple of days debating whether I should go to the midnight or the 3:30 showing of Revenge of the Sith. Of course here it is opening night, shortly after midnight, and I am typing on my blog instead. Why am I not going? Because I have to work in the morning, and I want to be well rested for a group of middle school students that I am meeting with in the morning.

I keep telling myself, don't be lame go see the movie. The other voices say it is just a movie, you can see it tomorrow after work. What happened to my former self that wouldn't think twice of waiting in line for several hours to see a movie, or waiting in line over night for concert tickets. He's gone. And that is why I think I am old (or maybe I am just lame and boring, but who wants to admit that!).

Other Star Wars memories.

28 years ago-First Time. Its hard to believe it has been so long since the original movie, I was nine years old. This is what I recall about seeing Star Wars the first time. Standing in line of course. With about 20 minutes left in the movie, some crazy man jumped into the screen ripping a large hole in it. They stopped the movie, and this guy screamed about having his kids taken away from him until the police arrived in the theatre. They then continued to show the rest of the movie even though the screen had a large 10 foot gash in the center of it.

28 years ago-Second Time. We were on a family vacation during the middle of that summer. We visited the town of Eagle River in northern Wisconsin and we watched Star Wars in a very old and very uncomfortable theatre, and of course the theatre was packed.

28 years ago. Ricky was my best friend when I lived in Minnesota, from age 5 until age 10 when I moved to Wisconsin. That is he was my best friend all except for the summer of 1977. Why wasn't Ricky my best friend? Because Gene from school became my best friend from that summer. I didn't' care that I had to walk 5 blocks to his house because he had all the coolest Star Wars toys. He had the X-wing fighters, the Y-wing fighters, the Tie fighters, and he had all the action figures. He didn't care that all I had to contribute to our Star Wars re-enactment was Luke's landspeeder. Of course as soon as Star Wars fever died down, I went back to my old friend Ricky. Ahh, what a fair weather bastard I was. Sorry Gene! Sorry Ricky!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What happened in Ohio?

I haven't gone off about the 2004 election in quite a while (actually I haven't gone off on much of anything on here in quite a long while---but that's a different post). I had several friends and family members ask me why in the world would people in Ohio vote for Bush? Ohio's economy has sunk under Bush, unemployment has rocketed yet Bush somehow got the most votes. This video about election day in Columbus gives you a flavor of the snafus that were taking place. I personally stood in line for 3.5 hours.

Also check out this post by Jim Lampley about the high likelihood that the election was stolen, his argument relies on science and math which of course the Republicans oppose (but that's another post also).

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