Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Thursday, September 30, 2004


Dictionary.com/certainty: "On the field of battle there are no certainties (Tom Clancy). "

I guess Bush didn't get the memo.

Debate: Bush is certain---certainly wrong!

Geez, did Bush seem flustered or what tonight? It is not like any shocking or out of the blue questions were asked tonight. Did anyone notice how many times Bush refused to answer the question that was asked of him? I think for the next debate a buzzer should go off anytime that a candidate doesn't answer the question that was asked of him.

I can add another reason to my list of reasons to vote for John Kerry, the man is calm and unflappable---certainly better characteristics in a war-time President. Calm, cool, and collected. I can't wait too see some of the election polls in the next week. I think there will be a major bounce---because I think the independents are going to quickly realize that they don't have to be nervous about having Kerry as our President.

I was glad to see that Kerry has started to make an issue out of Bush's "certainty". Certainty is only a good thing if you are going in the right direction, if you are going in the wrong direction its either stubborness or stupidity. Let's all keep making an issue out of his misguided "certainty".

As an aside, I was checking my spelling of the word "certainty" on dictionary.com, and found this very ironic quote used as one of the examples.

  1. The fact, quality, or state of being certain: the certainty of death.
  2. Something that is clearly established or assured: “On the field of battle there are no certainties” (Tom Clancy).

There are no certainties, that is something for President Bush to think about tonight as he tries to sleep.

Red Roach Blog

Red Roach Blog is a new blog out there that everyone should check out, it is an extension of the indie publisher, Red Roach Press. Joe has done lots of stuff in the zine world....so he is more than used to commenting about life and the world around us.

There should be lots of cool stuff to read in the upcoming months as Joe seems as if he is getting ready to attempt a major life transformation. I wish him the best of luck in his new endeavor!

The reality of Iraq

This is an interesting letter written by Wall Street Journal reporter Farnaz Fassihi to his friends. He tells about what it is like to be in Iraq on a daily basis. Why isn't this stuff making it into news stories?

It is interesting we have forced the Iraqis to trade their relative security (yes I know Sadaam was an evil leader---but people weren't dying this fast) for more freedom, but here in the U.S. we are being forced to trade our freedom for supposedly more freedom. Has either the U.S. or Iraq really gotten what they want or need in this mess?

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Will this story get some traction?

Has the media been scared off by the whole CBS debacle to do some more investigating into Bush's record? When will Bush finally fess up?

Friday, September 24, 2004

Freeway Blogger - Keep it up!

I just discovered this hilarious site.....that nails the point of this upcoming election on the head. Keep it up Freeway Blogger!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

If America were Iraq

Take a moment to read Juan Cole's article. Think about this the next time Bush tries to gloss over the mess he has made in Iraq.

Proof that God is not a Republican?

This is very funny. I don't personally believe that God is a Republican or a Democrat either (or a Libertarian or a Communist or a member of the Reform party....you get my point). Personally it annoys me to no end when someone claims that God is on their issue/party/team/country's side.

Bob Morris also has way too much free time on his hands......but that is probably true for the majority of us bloggers.

According to US State Department al Qaeda was not in Iraq as of November 10, 2001

Why did the U.S. State Department fail to see a connection between al Qaeda and Iraq? Maybe it is because there wasn't one prior to Bush's "pre-emptive" war?

So Clinton get impeached about lying about a blowjob and Bush is still in office despite lying us into a war that has killed over 1000 Americans and 1000's of Iraqis. How many more Americans have to die before Bush will realize that his war was a mistake? How many more lies will he tell us before we boot him out of office?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

MSNBC - Reviving Kerry

I hope Kerry is paying attention to this. Let's stay focused on the real issues for the next month and a half.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Reason to Vote for Kerry without bashing Bush

So much of the election has been focused on why we shouldn't vote for George Bush. In my little corner of the world, I am going to try and come up with a positive reason each day that one should vote for John Kerry and John Edwards in November.

1. Kerry is a liberal. Yes I said liberal. I am a liberal and proud of it. According to dictionary.com a liberal is defined as:

    1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
    2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

There are so many different problems in our country right now, that I think we need to remain open-minded to new solutions. Maybe instead of making up imaginary problems such as the "danger of gay marriage", we should all come up with some problems to solve that we can all agree upon.

Can everyone of us agree that these are real problems that need solutions. I'm not saying that we are going to agree on the solution, I'm just saying that we recognize they are problems that need to be solved.

1. Health care. It is too expensive for individuals and for businesses. It is a problem that is effecting almost everyone of us in one way or another right now.

2. Education. Every American would probably agree that our education (pre-school through graduate school) could use improvement.

3. Poverty.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Questions We'll Wish We'd Asked (washingtonpost.com)

It certainly has been informatin overload these last few weeks. David Broder is certainly right that we need to start thinking about which of the issues really matter; and more importantly which will still matter in 6 months.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Notice how Bush doesn't deny any of the National Guard allegations

Way to dance around the questions Bush! Answer the real questions. Did you get preferential treatment to get into the National Guard? Why didn't you take your medical examine as ordered by your superiors?

"There are a lot of questions about the documents and they need to be answered," Bush told the Union Leader newspaper.

That is certainly true, and I think the best person to start answering some of these questions is you Mr. Bush. Would you be willing to do it under oath? Or are you afraid of the truth??

Thursday, September 16, 2004

When will Bush admit that he screwed up?

Why is no one being held accountable for this mess? Bush was sold to all of us during the 2000 election, as being a CEO type president. So we the shareholders need to vote him out. We are losing money, we aren't accomplishing anything, and we are destroying the "USA" brand. If America were a business would there be any chance that this guy would still be around?

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

So why hasn't Bush answered the questions?

There must be an element of truth to Bush's allegations---wouldn't he have denied them otherwise? He can tell the truth (trouble), lie (even more trouble), or he can remain silent. His silence speaks volumes.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Isn't it ironic?

A little bit ironic that the National Safety Council has had to cancel the rest of their national convention in New Orleans because of Hurricane Ivan.

What if the U.S. dealt with white collar crime this way?

I bet you those Enron people (and Martha Stewart, and all the others) are very glad that they live in the United States right about now.

Can our country really afford another 4 years of Bush?

What ever happened to the Republican idea of balanced budgets? Why aren't the fiscal conservatives screaming bloody murder at this point? And Bush still somehow has the audacity to accuse Kerry of being a tax and spend liberal....Bush truly needs to be stopped!

Monday, September 13, 2004

A new vehicle for men with extremely small dicks!

For those men out there whose feelings of inadequacy aren't satisfied by owning a Hummer....comes the Navistar CXT. Hmmmm seems like CXT might sort of sound like another word....hmmmmmm???

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Why should you vote for Kerry & Edwards?

I woke up this morning feeling very negative about the 2004 elections. I don't want another 4 years of Bush---I am sure that is very clear from my postings. But I started thinking to myself, is it really enough to be against Bush? Why am I for Kerry? And that's when I ran into this article that brightened my day.

Why should you vote for John Kerry? Because he and Edwards will surround themselves with better, smarter, and more capable people. John Kerry will find people who are more concerned about America than about corporations.

Thank you to dailyKos for pointing this article out. It was just what I needed this morning!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Coverup of Iraqi civilian deaths by Bush Administration

So what exactly are we trying to teach Iraq about democracy? Why is Bush so afraid of the truth? Maybe he knows that his war in Iraq has been a pointless bloodbath, and that the voters will dump him in an instant as soon as they realize it.

Republicans have no respect for the separation of church and state

The Republicans have had too much power for too long, look what they are trying to accomplish now. They must be stopped!

Friday, September 10, 2004

What if Bush ran against Jesus? Absolutely Hilarious Stuff

This is hysterical, it was originally from Mad Magazine. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Hilariously funny---too bad so much of it is true

Dan Chak is a genius. He added web links to a "fake news" story in The Onion about Bush's plan to end our nation's 8-year period of peace and prosperity under Clinton. I don't know whether to pee my pants laughing or throw a brick through my monitor.

Way to go Dan!

We need a new and stronger labor movement

David Broder wrote a very interesting piece about Labor's declining influence on politics and the economy. One more reason why we need to get the Democrats back in power.

This paragraphy particularly struck me:
"The loss of labor's political leverage is, if anything, even more striking. As I told my seatmate, when labor lobbied powerfully on Capitol Hill, it did not confine itself to bread-and-butter issues for its own members. It was at the forefront of battles for aid to education, civil rights, housing programs and a host of other social causes important to the whole community. And because it was muscular, it was heard and heeded. "

Go Labor!

Bush - "Failure to perform"

"Failure to perform" It was true thirty years ago, and its even more true today.

Washington Post

The documents include a memo from Bush's squadron commander, Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian, ordering Bush "to be suspended from flight status for failure to perform" to U.S. Air Force and National Guard standards and failure to take his annual physical "as ordered."

Once again I believe the term girly-man seems appropriate.
"Phone call from Bush," Killian recorded in a "memo to file" dated May 19, 1972. "Discussed options of how Bush can get out of coming to drill from now through November."

The Boston Globe has a fantastic page dealing all of their stories covering Bush's National Guard Service.

New York Times

Raw Story-Blue Lemur

Hmmmmm, President Bush don't you think it is time to come forward and tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Anything else that you want to get off your chest before Kitty Kelley's book comes out?

Talk about karma!

What goes around comes around! I think next they should lock this dufus in a room with several hungry pit bulls.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Records Say Bush Balked at Order (washingtonpost.com)

Bush and the Republicans need to be hounded about this. Has Bush been lying to the American people about his record with the National Guard? How will he and his handlers wiggle himself out of this one? This is a much more important story than those silly Swift Boat lies. Will the press keeping hounding on this story, I certainly hope so.

60 Minutes should be fun tonight!

Finally some national publicity about what Bush was really doing during the Vietnam War. Why has the national media waited so long to make an issue out of Bush's record---they should have taken care of this 4 years ago, and maybe we would have never had to deal with him (or his idiotic policies) for the last 4 years.

Watch this show!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Are Bush/Cheney really this desperate to win?

My Way News: "Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday warned Americans about voting for Democratic Sen. John Kerry, saying that if the nation makes the wrong choice on Election Day it faces the threat of another terrorist attack."

I think this is the most offensive thing that I have heard this entire convention. This statement certainly proves that he cares much more about his own career than he ever cared about America. Him and Bush are just two power hungry fools.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Checkpoint by Nicholson Baker

Nicholson Baker has written another fantastic and original story. Checkpoint is the conversation between two long-time friends. Jay has just told Ben of his plans to assassinate the President. (Even as I review this book I wonder if I have put myself under the watchful eyes of the FBI or one of our nation's many other intelligence agencies).

Ben spends most of the book attempting to dissuade Jay from committing this horrible action. In the process they discuss many issues affecting America today and throughout its history: war (from World War II through both Gulf Wars), high end cameras, urban development, civilization, the 24-hour media, and yes even blogs. There are many interesting ideas discussed, including many that I had never heard before such as urban sprawl being planned by the Department of Defense. I have plenty of my own research to do after reading this book.

Even though the book is supposedly about whether or not to assassinate the President, it ends up being much more about the isolation in modern society and about mental illness.

Like many of Baker's previous books the story takes place during one moment in time. He tells the story from beginning to end, there are no chapter breaks because the story never breaks. You will really want to read this book in one full sitting.

This is a great book, it is a shame that in about 2 months it will be a book that will be out of date. I wonder if he could have written this about a generic president---I'm guessing it wouldn't have had the same effect. It makes everything seem so much more real and the discussion seem so much more open.

Keywords: Politics, Assassination, Mental Illness, Alienation, George W. Bush, Current Events, Conspiracy Theory, Friendship

Is Bush going to be a girly-man?

If Bush refuses to debate Kerry that definitely makes him a girly-man, wouldn't you agree Arnold???

But then again, do any of us blame Bush for being afraid to debate. All his mouth does is get him in trouble.

But what is really happening is that Bush's handlers are playing the same game that they did with the debates in the 2000 elelction. If they reduce expectations for Bush low enough, and then he does manage to put together an English sentence in a debate all the commentators will swoon as if he is the 2nd coming of Abraham Lincoln.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

The New York Times is out there investigating our nation's major problems.

Good to see that the New York Times is focusing on the important issues of our day. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

What does Zell Miller really think?

Talk about being a flip-flopper.....check out this speech given by Senator Zell Miller in 2001.

Who's your daddy?

Apparently President George W. Bush believes he is our daddy, and we all need his protection. No thank you Mr. President.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Republican Dishonesty

This Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (not even an honest name) group makes me sick!!!!

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