Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Day 2 of the new job

Today was my first full day. It went well. I was busy the whole day, but that is a good thing. None of the work that I was doing was especially hard, but there was plenty of it.

Part of my job is making posters for upcoming library events...I wish I could scan one of these posters. I have no artistic skills....my lines aren't straight, my circles are lopsided----but everyone is happy with them. What the hell was there person doing last year---if they think my posters are good?

I'm also reading lots of books to get ready for my read aloud sessions next week. Today, between poster making and decoration hanging, I must have read 20 books. Several books seemed to be of the same theme....animals making inappropriate noises---such as dogs saying meow. I hope I do get to do some programming for the older kids....because the books aimed at ages 2-6 might be driving me nuts really fast.

Well time for sleep, because the summer reading program begins tomorrow morning at 9am.....yipee!!!


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