Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Torture and the U.S. Military

I love ABC's Nightline, I love the way they are able to go into a story in depth unlike the usual national news. It is depressing that it is the last thing that I see most nights before I go to bed though. Very little news that I read, watch, or hear makes me feel good about the United States or the world's future.

Tonight's story was about the U.S. Military's use of torture. I can't believe the stuff that is being pulled in OUR names. There is also this smug attitude by Bush and his cronies that somehow our nation's laws don't apply to them. I sometimes think they really don't care one bit if the rest of the world hates our guts.

Yes, these low level soldiers that committed the actual acts are not blameless, but neither are any of the commanders or person above them (Including the President Bush). The truth of the matter every single one of us who is an American deserves blame also because we are allowing Bush and the others to get away with it. I actually feel sorry for these reserve soldiers because they are going to be the scapegoats----who really believes that Bush or any of his buddies will face the least bit of punishment over this scandal?


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