Wanted: Responsible Leaders
Don't you find it interesting that Bush promised to restore trust and integrity to our government if he was elected. Yes, Bill Clinton was a liar---but his lies were never about things that affected any of us personally (unless you happen to be Hillary or Monica). But think of the ways that Bush's lies and irresponsibility have effected us (and will continue to affect us for years to come).
1. Rising gas prices because Bush fails to see the need for any type of energy policy other than drilling for oil in Alaska and maintaining an ongoing war in the Middle East.
2. Rising debt with irresponsible tax cuts and spending.
3. Science and medical policies being decided by religion instead of facts and common sense.
4. Failed foreign policy because Bush is unwilling to admit that the whole Iraq thing was one big mistake. I know it will never happen, but think how much good will Bush could gain for the U.S. if he stood up and just said, "I screwed up. There weren't any weapons of mass destruction there. We made a messier country even messier. I'm sorry, please help us get out of this mess!"
I could go on, but my heart is pumping too fast at the moment.
Columns: Wanted: Adult in the White House