Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Library Boobies

So I'm sitting at my desk today and a woman is asking for help using her Hotmail account. She is trying to forward an email to another person. I've never used Hotmail before, but it can't be that difficult of a thing to figure out. So I show her the button to press to forward an email. In the middle of this discussion she picks up her child, lifts up her blouse and nurses her baby.

Now I understand nursing is a fact of life, but could she have at least waited one minute until I was done working with her? Or even excuse me, but my child is very hungry. I wouldn't pull a cheeseburger out of my pocket and start eating while talking to someone.

At least nobody pissed on a chair today.

Today's Library Searches
1. Puss in Boots (because her kids didn't get the jokes in Shrek 2).
2. Soccer
3. Books with only 3 letter words
4. Arthur Chapter Books
5. Yu-Gi-Oh Videos
6. Rats


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