It Takes One to Know One
Fox News, Fair and Balanced? Yeah right! (Please notice the sarcasm dripping all over this entry)
Sean Hannity Calls Congressman "Asshole" | Oliver Willis
Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.
Fox News, Fair and Balanced? Yeah right! (Please notice the sarcasm dripping all over this entry)
Should any of us really be surprised that the credit card companies are raising the minimum payments due, less than a month after Congress passed laws making it more difficult to declare bankruptcy because of credit card debt?
Red Roach is at it again with another hilarious entry. Actually there is very little he writes that doesn't amuse the crap out of me. Check it out.
The price of gas is skyrocketing......
Bush is wasting all his time on trying to solve the so-called Social Security crisis (which won't actually be a problem for 30 or more years), but we have an oil crisis right now which he won't do jack squat about. Hmmmmm? I wonder why not? Who's getting rich because of rising oil prices? And trust me its not just OPEC.
Bankruptcy Bill Said to Hit Poorest Americans Hardest
I hate to pay so much for gas as the next person, but I'm glad to see that it is having the positive effect of getting some of these stupid SUV's off the road.
If they've figured out a way to outsource a crappy McDonald's job they will certainly figure out a way to outsource each and everyone of our jobs. Hmmmm and they wonder why employees don't have loyalty anymore?
What can I do to get a bare-breasted protest directed towards me?
Yesterday was one of those life milestones (i.e., 37th birthday) where it seemed like it would be a good time to take stock of my life. How do I do this? I go to the website Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age.
I want to transform my life into a sitcom. Why?
I spend far too much time worrying about dying. Its not death so much that I am worried about, it is dying in some very embarrassing manner. These are some of the ways that I have met my demise in my daydreams this week.