Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Crack Smoker is the new Retard

My wife and I were discussing how calling someone a Crack Smoker when they do something completely stupid. In our younger years we would have called the same person a Retard for doing something completely stupid. I like the "Crack Smoker" insult much better because in addition to pointing out a person's stupidity, it also implies that the person is directly responsible for their own stupidity.

Other Crack Smoker variations
1. "What did you smoke this morning?"
2. "What exactly DID you smoke this morning?"
3. "That must have been some really good crack!"

Will political correctness get in the way of me calling people crack smokers when they are being utterly stupid? I certainly hope not.


At 30 June, 2004 18:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have also heard "crack whore" tossed around, too. Mostly among my female friends. I like the sound of "crack smoker" better, but "crack whore" has it's appeal, as well. I agree - it's become the new "retarded". I have to admit, I feel more comfortable insulting someone with a chemical addiction rather than someone that has a mental condition. Not sure why and not sure if it's a good thing, but I do.


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