Discontented Turtle

Sleep deprived ramblings about life, current events, politics, travel, education, books, movies, and music.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Gil Mantera's Party Dream @ Comfest

Gil Mantera's Party Dream | failure is not an option

Friday night went to Comfest with some friends. We stayed to see this band called Gil Mantera's Party Dream. This band is darn close to being indescribable. Train wreck might be the word. Imagine 80's electronic synth band Erasure having a psychotic breakdown while deciding to be either completely gay or completely homophobic.

At the very least it definitely wasn't a show for young children....both men were wearing nothing but overly tight speedos by the end of the show. Gil was also wearing basically a unicorn cod piece....like I said this is something better seen then described.


At 30 June, 2004 18:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wifey here. I have to say, I too have NEVER seen anything else like this before. WHen he Turtle tried to discribe it to me, I thought he was on crack (see previous posting :) I truly had no idea what he was talking about; even though all of the words that he spoke to me were English, none of it made sense. And then I saw them on stage. And then I got it. They really were what he was describing, I just could not believe it was real. These guys were walking around on stage in spandex and thongs (one in a unicorn thong, no lie) and *sort of* making music. (and I use the phrase "making music" lightly). To this day, I am not sure what I saw, but they were hysterical. Totally worth staying up past my bed time.


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